Session 4

5:57 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

Hello everybody, today I’m going to talk about my ideal job!

Well I think that my ideal job is more than one:

Firstly I really like veterinary medicine, I love animals and I wanna be an excellent veterinarian specialist in exotic animals :D. My dream is travel around the world, especially to Africa and Australia because in those countries there are an incredible variety of exotic animals. I would like rescue a lot of animals and investigate the species of the world, especially reptiles, amphibious or wild animals like lions, panthers, jaguars, etc. But I like small animals too and I would like to work in veterinary surgery. Actually I think that I like all types of animals. :D

On the other hand I also like art as the painting, sculpturing, handicraft or design, I know that this is very different to veterinary but I think that is only a hobby or maybe I could work in both things at the same time, as an animal's photographer.

This is my last post so good bye everyone!

Session 3!! ♥

8:42 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

In this post I shows “facebook” ( my favourite website. Everyday I visit this page and I really enjoy visit it! Because is funny, I can public many things, like music, photos, videos, notes, links, applications, etc. I can find when my friends have updated their statuses and profiles, play the games like “pet society”, “plock”, “biggest brain”… chat with my friends, send things online and the most important reason, thanks to facebook I found many old friends of my first school and teachers too and I can remake contact whit them because I don’t saw them since many years and was great could communicate with them. This was the reason why I made a facebook account.

Facebook let me know when are my friends's birthdays and I Keep track of all my friends whose birthday is in the current month!

well in "facebook" there are everything you can imagine...

Anyway, Who does not like this page? I think that all people enjoys this website! :D


Session 2!!!

4:51 AM Edit This 2 Comments »


Now I present a picture with my school friends =)

I don’t know if this photograph is my favourite, but I like this picture so much because it reminds me of the last days of school. I was very happy because I was finishing school, although, I felt a little sad because my friends were going different ways and I wasn't going to see them everyday anymore.

This pic was taken at a place near my school by my best friend and unfortunately she could not be in the picture.

The picture shows from left to right: Aida, Romi, Coni, Vale,Marta, Javi, me, Aye and Jenny. We were friends in high school. The teachers used to tell us that we were ‘’The Mafia’’ because we were very messy at school.

We had a great time that day and at night, we went to a party to celebrate the ending of that long period: it was the school...

Bye bye! :D

Session 1: My favorite technological object.

8:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hi my name is Jóse !
My favourite piece of technology is my cellphone which I always have in my bag.
My parents
bought my first cellphone in 2002, because it was my 12th birthday. I was really surprise when I had in my hands because no one in my class had one.
It was great and a very nice gift. But now in 2009 that mobile would be very old so I change just recently. Now I have a better cellphone with camera, mp3 and bluetooth.
I use it everyday, because I really like to speak to my friends and family. Also is so cute and very usefull, and I can take good photos and videos.
My life without it will be really sad because I can't be available
for the people I care and they also can't find me. And i will feel lonely.

last week someone stole my cellphone in a trip and i'm really sad now because something is missing in me. I'm a little confused about the time (I used like a clock), I can't comunicate with my friends and now i have to buy my own cellpone rigth now!

Bye-bye! =)