Session 2!!!

4:51 AM Edit This 2 Comments »


Now I present a picture with my school friends =)

I don’t know if this photograph is my favourite, but I like this picture so much because it reminds me of the last days of school. I was very happy because I was finishing school, although, I felt a little sad because my friends were going different ways and I wasn't going to see them everyday anymore.

This pic was taken at a place near my school by my best friend and unfortunately she could not be in the picture.

The picture shows from left to right: Aida, Romi, Coni, Vale,Marta, Javi, me, Aye and Jenny. We were friends in high school. The teachers used to tell us that we were ‘’The Mafia’’ because we were very messy at school.

We had a great time that day and at night, we went to a party to celebrate the ending of that long period: it was the school...

Bye bye! :D

Session 1: My favorite technological object.

8:12 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Hi my name is Jóse !
My favourite piece of technology is my cellphone which I always have in my bag.
My parents
bought my first cellphone in 2002, because it was my 12th birthday. I was really surprise when I had in my hands because no one in my class had one.
It was great and a very nice gift. But now in 2009 that mobile would be very old so I change just recently. Now I have a better cellphone with camera, mp3 and bluetooth.
I use it everyday, because I really like to speak to my friends and family. Also is so cute and very usefull, and I can take good photos and videos.
My life without it will be really sad because I can't be available
for the people I care and they also can't find me. And i will feel lonely.

last week someone stole my cellphone in a trip and i'm really sad now because something is missing in me. I'm a little confused about the time (I used like a clock), I can't comunicate with my friends and now i have to buy my own cellpone rigth now!

Bye-bye! =)